
Dark Chocolate Caramel Pretzel Bites

Okay, I know I say it a lot but this is truly a match made in heaven. Dark chocolate, caramel and pretzels, come on now! Your taste buds will thank you for this flavor profile! These dark chocolate caramel pretzel bites are a perfect late night snack or a sweet snack throughout the day! They are simple to make and store well for whenever you are craving something sweet and delicious!

Dark Chocolate Caramel Pretzel Bites

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Serves: 10-12 bites
Prep Time: 40 minutes Total Time: 40 minutes


  • 2 dark chocolate bars (4 oz. each)
  • 2 teaspoons coconut oil
  • 1/3 cup caramel sauce (store-bought)
  • 2 cups pretzels (any shape will work)
  • sprinkle of salt



Melt the dark chocolate by adding to a bowl with coconut oil and melting it in the microwave or using a double broiler method.


Once chocolate melted, pour a thin layer of chocolate in a baking dish lined with parchment paper (I used a 9x9 size dish). Use about 3/4 of the melted chocolate and save the rest for drizzling on top when finished.


Place dish in freeze for 10-15 minutes so the chocolate can harden.


Once chocolate is hard, add a layer of caramel sauce.


Next add a layer of pretzels over the caramel sauce. Place in freeze to allow it to set for 10-15 minutes.


Once caramel and pretzels are set, drizzle the remaining melted chocolate (you may have to reheat the chocolate a little so you can drizzle it).


Top it off with a sprinkle of salt.


Place back in the freezer for an additional 15-20 minutes.


Cut into bite sized squares and enjoy!


Store in the fridge so the chocolate will not melt and stay firm.

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