
Simple Vegan Lemon Pasta

You can never go wrong with a simple vegan lemon pasta. This recipe only calls for 5 ingredients and comes together within minutes. You can serve this lemon pasta with your desired protein source and vegetables to create a balanced, delicious meal.

Simple Vegan Lemon Pasta

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Serves: 4
Prep Time: 3 minutes Cooking Time: 10 minutes Total Time: 15 minutes


  • 8 oz. pasta
  • 4 tablespoons vegan butter
  • 3-4 garlic cloves, minced
  • 1/3 cup lemon juice, a little zest
  • 1/4 teaspoon red pepper flakes
  • salt & pepper, to taste
  • parsley for topping, optional



Cook pasta according to package instructions. Once cooked, drain and save about 1/4 cup of the pasta water.


While the pasta is cooking, in a pan over medium heat, melt the butter and add the garlic and red pepper flakes. Sauté for about 1 minute.


Add the pasta to the garlic butter and 1/4 cup of the reserved pasta water. Then add the lemon juice and stir to combine. Season to taste with salt and pepper.


Serve with the optional topping of parsley and lemon zest. Enjoy!

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