
Cashew Snickers Stuffed Dates

These snickers stuffed dates will curb your sweet tooth in a healthy way! You wouldn’t know based on their appearance, but dates taste like gooey caramel. I like to eat these for a snack when I am craving something sweet or for a dessert at night. Dates have so many health benefits and they taste amazing. Some of the health benefits include: helps regulate your blood sugar, contains high contents of fiber and antioxidants, and much more. In addition, they are naturally sweet so you can avoid any added sugar.

Cashew Snickers Stuffed Dates

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Serves: 8 dates
Prep Time: 10 minutes Cooking Time: 30 minutes Total Time: 40 minutes


  • medjool dates, pitted
  • cashew butter, or desired nut butter
  • candied pecans, finely chopped
  • cashews, finely chopped
  • vegan chocolate, I used the Enjoy Life Foods Semi-Sweet Mega Chunks
  • coconut oil
  • sea salt



If the dates have pits in them, carefully cut the date in half and remove the pit.


Fill each date with cashew butter. Place in the refrigerate for a few minutes while you prep the nuts and chocolate.


Chop the cashews and candied pecans into small pieces.


Add the vegan chocolate to a microwave safe bowl and a little coconut oil and melt. I microwaved it in 30 second intervals until it was fully melted.


Remove the dates from the fridge and sprinkle the finely chopped nuts.


Drizzle a good amount of the melted vegan chocolate over the dates and top it off with a little sea salt.


Place the dates back in the fridge for about 30-40 minutes or until the chocolate has hardened. Enjoy!

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